=She spends a lot of money on clothes.

16、Now she plays baseball pretty well. 现在她棒球打得相当好。

[pretty well用来说明打棒球打得怎么样]

17、She is good at jumping.

be good at sth. / doing sth.

如 ①She is good at English. 她擅长英语。

②He is good at playing basketball. 他擅长打篮球。

相当于 He is good at basketball. 他擅长篮球。

18、There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend.


[ 此句是there be句型用于be going to句型中。这里的there be句型是表示某时有某物,初一年我们常见there be句型表示某地有某物。]

19、They are sure that she will win. 他们确信她会赢。

20、It helps to keep her heart and lungs healthy.


[ help to do sth. 有助于做某事]

21、The team is going to play against China’s national team tomorrow.


[ 把the team看成一个整体,所以谓语动词用单数形式is ]

22、It’s too bad that the players aren’t going to stay for long.


[此句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面that引导的“the players aren’t going to stay for long”这件事。]

23、They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow.


[此句是用现在进行时表示将来。但并不是任何动词都有这种用法,英语中,表示位置移动的动词 go, come, leave, fly, start, arrive等,可以用现在进行时表示将来。其中come, leave和arrive要记得去e再加ing变成现在分词,当然现在进行时别忘了动词be ]

24、— Could you please do me a favor? 请帮我个忙好吗?


— Sure.

25、— Will you join us? 你愿意加入我们吗? [ will表示意愿 ]

— I’d be glad to.

26、I am not very good at it. 我不是很擅长它(足球)。

[ be good at sth. / doing sth. ]

例:① I am good at English.

② I am good at playing basketball.

= I am good at basketball.

27、— Would/Do you mind teaching me? 你介意教我吗?

— Not at all. 一点也不介意。

[ ①用would比用do委婉 ② mind doing sth.介意做某事]

28、— Would/Do you mind if I open the window?


— Of course not./Certainly not. Please do.当然不介意。请打开吧。

You’d better not. 你最好不要(打开窗户)。

29、— Would/Do you mind not putting your bike here?


— Sorry. I’ll put it somewhere else.

30、— Would you mind not throwing bottles around?

— I am sorry about that. I won’t do it again.

31、— Don’t be late next time. 下次请不要迟到。

— Sorry, I won’t. 对不起,我下次不会迟到了。

32、— Would you mind making your bed?

— Sorry. I’ll do it right away.

33、What do you mean by saying that? 你那么说是什么意思?

34、I didn’t want to miss the goal, either.

① 肯定句要用also或too:



as well也放在句末,但一般不用逗号与前面隔开。

例 I am also a student.

I am a student,too.

② 否定句要用either,放在句末,一般用逗号与前面隔开。

35、— I didn’t want to miss the goal, either. 我也不想失去这个球的。

— But you did. 但是你确实失掉了这个球。

[相当于But you missed the goal.]

36、I am sorry for what I said. 我为我所说的话感到抱歉。

I am sorry for losing your book. 很抱歉把你的书丢了。

[ be sorry for sth. / doing sth. 为某事感到抱歉/后悔/遗憾 ]

37、It’s nothing. 没关系/不要紧。

同义句:①Never mind. ②It doesn’t matter. ③That’s OK.

[ 别人道歉时的答语。That’s OK.还可用来回答别人的道谢。]

38、We believe you’ll do better next time. 我们相信你下次会做得更好。

39、Keep trying! 继续努力!

40、We are sure to win next time. 我们下次一定赢。

[ be sure to do sth.确信/肯定要做某事(表将来)]

41、①I am sorry I didn’t call you last night. 很抱歉昨晚没给你打电话。

[ be sorry + 一个句子]


②I am sorry for what I said. 我为我所说的话感到抱歉。

[ be sorry for sth. ]

③I am sorry for losing your book. 很抱歉把你的书丢了。

[ be sorry for doing sth. ]


42、— I am quite sorry I broke your pen. Let me buy you a new one.

— Never mind. I have another one.


⑴ one所指代的事物与前文提到的事物是同类的事物,但不是同一个。

⑵ another的用法:

① 再一个(在原来的基础上增加的,与原来的人或事物是同一类型的)

例 I am going to have another cup of coffee. 我打算再喝一杯咖啡。


例 We finally moved to another city. 最后我们搬到另一个城市。

【区别】 the other(另一个)是特指两个中的另一个(总数只有两个)。another是泛指三个或三个以上的另一个(分两种情况,一种是知道总数是三个,另一种是只知道总数超过三个,但不知确切数字)。

例 ① I have two pens. One is black, the other is red.

② I don’t like this pen, please give me another (one)

43、That book wasn’t important to me. 那本书对我来说不重要。

44、I’ll be in Korea. 我将会在韩国 [在课文中可译成“我将去韩国”]。

45、I enjoy playing table tennis in different countries.


[ ①enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 ②country变复数countries ]

【联想】enjoy oneself 玩得高兴,过得愉快

例 We enjoyed ourselves at Kangkang’s birthday party.



①You have a very exciting life now. 你现在过着令人兴奋的生活。

[ 你现在所过的生活具有令人兴奋的性质特征 ]

②Everyone in our class felt very excited because we were the winners.


[ 我们班每人因我们是获胜者感到兴奋 ]



①My life is tiring as well. 我的生活也很累人。

[ 我所过的生活具有令人感到累的性质特征。]

② I am very tired . 我很累。[我因某事感到累。]

48、I started playing table tennis when I was about seven years old.

[ start doing sth.开始做某事 ]

49、He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play even in bad weather.他为学生发明了一种室内游戏,以便他们即使在糟糕的天气也能玩。[ so that + 一个句子, 表示目的。意为“以便……”]

50、You can throw the ball with one hand or both hands.

①with…,意为“用……” ② both + 复数名词

51、Healthy eating habits and running help to build me up.


[ help to do sth. 有助于做某事 ]

52、I have great fun running. 我从跑步中获得很大乐趣。

[ have fun doing sth. 从做某事中获得乐趣 ]

53、Running has become my favorite sport. 跑步已经成为我最喜爱的运动。

[ 只有一个动名词(短语)作主语,动词要用第三人称单数形式 ]

54、That’s very kind of you, but I can manage it myself.


55、I will take part in the school sports meet. 我将参加学校运动会。

[ will + 动词原形,表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态 ]

56、I’ll be in the long jump and the high jump. 我将参加跳远和跳高。

[ be in + 活动,意为“参加某项活动”,同义:take part in, join in ]

57、I hope so. 我希望如此。

58、That’s great! 太棒了!

59、I’m sure our school sports meet will be exciting. [ be sure + 一个句子 ]


60、What will you do in the sports meet? 你将在运动会上做什么?

61、It’s my first time to take part in the high jump.


[ It’s one’s first time to do sth. 是某人第一次做某事 ]

62、I think I’ll have lots of fun. 我想我将从中获得许多乐趣。

[ ①have fun玩得高兴,过得愉快,相当于have a good time或enjoy oneself ②have fun with sb.和某人玩得高兴 ③区别:have fun doing sth.从做某事中获得乐趣 ]

63、I’m ready for the long jump. [ be ready for… (为……准备好) ]

64、I’ll do my best. 我会尽最大努力。

[ ① do one’s best 尽某人最大努力 ② do one’s best to do sth.尽某人最大努力去做某事。如 I’ll do my best to learn English. ]

65、I want to be in the boy’s relay race. 我想参加男子接力赛。

[ want to do sth. 想要做要事 ]

66、Maybe I’ll make many friends during the sports meet.

Perhaps she will win.

[ ①maybe/perhaps(“也许,可能”之意)常放在句首。修饰整个句子。Maybe与perhaps同义,但在书面语中,人们经常更喜欢用perhaps, 因为它比较正式一点。②注意maybe与may be的区别:maybe是一个副词,“也许,可能”之意,常放在句首,修饰整个句子。而may be中的may是情态动词,may be意为“可能是……”或“可能在……”]

67、I’ll join in the teachers’ relay race.我将参加教师接力赛。

[ join in + 活动,与“take part in / be in +活动”同义 ]

68、— Hello, is that Michael? 你好,你是迈克尔吗?

— Speaking. 是的。[ 相当于 This is Michael speaking. ]

① 通电话时,想知道对方身份,不能用you。比如,不能说:Are you Michael?或 Who are you?,而应该说Is that Michael (speaking) ?或Who’s that (speaking) ?

② 通电话时,想告诉对方你的身份时,不能用I。比如,不能说:I am Li Ming.应该说This is Li Ming (speaking).

69、The school sports meet is coming tomorrow.校运会明天即将到来。

[ 此句用现在进行时表示将来。参看重要句型第23小点。]

70、Let’s go together. 让我们一起去吧。[ let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 ]

71、① — What shall we take? 我们带些什么呢?

— We’ll take our sports clothes and sports shoes.

② — Shall I take my camera? 我带相机好吗?/要不要我带相机?

— Good idea.好主意。

③ — When shall we meet?

— Let’s make it half past six.

④ — Where shall we meet? 我们在哪见面啊?

— At my house. 在我家。


72、①Let’s make it half past six. 让我们定在六点半吧。

② — What time is it? / What’s the time?

— It’s half past six.

③ — What time will it begin?

— At half past three. ( It will begin at half past three. )

[ 表示在几点做某事要加at,如③;注意①②不要加at ]

73、① Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for China in the 23rd Los Angeles Olympics in 1984.

②Class 4 is first.

③ His class won first place.

[序数词前一般要用定冠词the,但也有的例外,如②③ ]

74、— Congratulations!

— Thank you.

75、There will be another exciting relay race this afternoon.


[ there be句型用于一般将来时态:

①There will be…

②There is going to be… ]

76、Here are two pages from Kangkang’s diary. 这里有两页康康的日记。

77、I hope some day I’ll be able to take part in the Olympic Games.


[ ① be able to do sth. 表示有能力做某事,can也可以表示有能力做某事,但can只能用于一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态,而be able to可用于多种时态。

He is able to dance. = He can dance.

He was able to dance. = He could dance.

He will be able to dance next year. (不能说 He will can dance next year.)

② some day 将来某一天,也可以说someday ]

78、Kangkang hopes to be a soccer player when he grows up.


[ 时间状语从句要用一般现在时态表示将来 ]

79、The People’s Republic of China took part in the Olympics for the first time in 1952. 中华人民共和国在1952年第一次参加了奥运会。

[ do sth. for the first time 第一次做某事 ]

【联想】It’s one’s first time to do sth. 是某人第一次做某事。

It’s my first time to take part in the high jump.


80、The Olympic rings stand for the five parts of the world.

[ stand for… (代表……) ]

81、— What’s wrong with you? / What’s the matter with you?


— I have a toothache.


82、I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。

83、①You should see a dentist. ②You shouldn’t read too long.

你应该看牙医。 你不应该看书太久。

[ should / shouldn’t + 动词原形 (应该/不应该…… ) ]

84、I hope you’ll get well soon. 我希望你快点好起来。

85、I’m feeling terrible! 我感觉很难受/不舒服。

86、— How long have you been like this? 你这样多久了?

— Two days. ( 完整回答:I have been like this for two days. )

87、①You’d better go to see a doctor. ② You’d better not work too long.

你最好去看医生。 你最好不要工作太久。

[ had better / had better not + 动词原形 (最好做某事/最好不要做某事)]

88、— How are you feeling, Nick? 尼克,你现在感觉怎么样?

— Not so well. 不是很好。

89、I don’t feel like eating. 我不想吃东西。

[ feel like doing sth. 想要做某事, 感觉要做某事]

【联想】 want to do sth. 想要做某事

90、I cough day and night. 我日日夜夜咳嗽。

91、Why don’t you have a good rest? 你为什么不好好休息一下呢?

[“Why don’t you/we + 动词原形…?”用来提建议 ]

92、What’s the matter? / What’s wrong? 怎么了?

93、I have a sore throat. 我喉咙痛。I have sore eyes. 我眼睛痛。

94、You shouldn’t / had better not eat so much candy.

你不应该 / 最好不要吃这么多糖果。

95、You shouldn’t / had better not work on the Internet so long.

你不应该 / 最好不要上网这么久/那么久。

96、You should / had better take good care of your eyes.

你应该 / 最好保护好你的眼睛。

97、practice doing sth. 练习做某事

Today we’re going to practice parking.今天我们要练习停放车辆。

98、— How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉怎么样?

— Not too bad. 不太糟/还行。

99、Don’t worry. 别担心。

100、Your X-rays show it’s nothing serious. [划线部分作宾语,是宾语从句]


101、— Don’t move your leg too much.



— All right. 好的。

102、Let me check over your left leg again. 让我再检查一下你的左腿。

103、— Do you feel better today? 你今天感觉好些了吗?

— Much better. 好多了。[ 完整回答:I feel much better. ]

104、Thank you for your flowers and fruit. 谢谢你们的花和水果。

Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮我。

[ thank you for sth. / doing sth.]

105、Follow the doctor’s advice, and you’ll get well soon.


106、Michael’s friends brought some flowers and fruit for him.


[ ①bring sth. for sb. 为某人带来某物 ② bring过去式为brought ]

【区别】bring sth. to sb. 带某物给某人

例 I brought some bread for Michael.



I brought some bread to Michael. = I brought Michael some bread.




107、The doctor asked Michael not to move his leg too much.


I must ask him to give up smoking. 我必须叫他戒烟。

①ask sb. not to do sth. 叫某人不要做某事

②ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事

108、I am sorry to tell you that I had an accident yesterday.



109、The doctor told me to stay in bed for two weeks.医生叫我卧床休息两天。

[ ①tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人要做某事 ②做某事做多久可以用“for+一段时间”来表示,如本句中的for two weeks用来修饰stay in bed,说明卧床休息多久。又如 I played football for two hours.]

110、I couldn’t read the book until today.直到今天才能看这本书。

[ not…until… 直到……才…… ]

111、Don’t worry about us. 不要担心我们。

112、we will get well soon. 我们很快就会康复。

113、Are you OK now? 你们现在好了吗?/ 你们现在没事了吧?

114、If you still have a sore throat, you’d better see a doctor.


115、I love ice cream and candy. [肯定句用and连接]

You shouldn’t eat ice cream or candy. [否定句用or连接]


区别You shouldn’t eat ice cream and candy. (该句初中一般不要求掌握)


116、— I have a headache. 我患头痛。

— What caused it? 是什么原因引起的?

117、I see. 我明白了。

118、Staying up late is bad for your health. 熬夜对你的身体是有害的。


本句中的主语staying up late是动名词短语,所以谓语动词用单数形式is ② health是名词,不要与形容词healthy相混淆。]

119、I feel sleepy because I went to bed very late last night.


120、You must not read in the sun. 你不能在阳光下看书。(must not = mustn’t)

[ must not意为“不准,不允许,一定不要,一定不许”,表示禁止。]

【注意】must意为“必须”,所以有的同学误以为must not是不必的意思。

121、He thinks smoking can help him relax. 他认为吸烟可以帮他放松。


122、That’s too bad. 那太糟糕了。

123、The article says smoking is bad for our lungs.


[①划线部分是宾语从句 ②一般现在时态,行为动词要注意应该当用原形还是第三人称单数形式。本句主语是三单,所以say要加s]

124、It may cause cancer. 它可能致癌。

[①情态动词+动词原形 ②本句中的may表示可能性。③may还可以用来表示允许或征求同意。如 You may use my pen. May I open the door? ]

125、How terrible! 多么可怕啊!

126、May I borrow your newspaper and show it to my father?


①may在这里表示征求同意。②用and来连接,表示borrow和show这两个动作一前一后紧接着发生。③show sth. to sb.展示某物给某人看 = show sb. sth.向某人展示某物 例 show me the pen = show the pen to me,show it to me (不能说show me it)

127、You must put litter into the dustbin. 你必须将垃圾扔进垃圾箱。

You mustn’t throw litter around. 你不能乱扔垃圾。

[情态动词must(必须) / mustn’t(表示禁止) + 动词原形]


128、Breakfast gives you energy for the morning.


129、Going to school without breakfast is bad for your health.

不吃早餐上学对你的健康有害。 [动名词短语作主语]

130、Walking is good exercise and it’s necessary for your health.


[ be necessary for… 对于……来说是必不可少的]

131、Something is wrong with your health.你的身体健康出现异常。

[ Something is wrong with … = There is something wrong with…

意为“ ……出问题了”]

132、You might get a headache when you work too hard.

[ might是情态动词,后面加动词原形,语气比may委婉或可能性比较小。]

133、Good health is more important than wealth.健康比财富更为重要。


②more important than… 比……更重要

134、Food gives us energy, so we must have enough food to keep healthy.


① give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.

例 give me a pen = give a pen to me

give it to me 注意:不能说give me it

②本句中的too keep healthy是动词不定式短语,在此句中表示目的。

135、Of course, we must also have the right kinds of food.

当然,我们也必须吃合适的食物。 [ 本句中的have是吃的意思]

136、Different foods help us in different ways.

[ food指不同种类的食物时,要用复数形式foods ]

137、It’s necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.


[ “It is+形容词+ for sb. to do sth. ” 句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式(短语) ,即to do sth.是真正的主语。]

138、I am coming. 我就来。

139、— May I ask you some questions, Dr. Li?


— Sure,go ahead. 当然可以,开始吧。

140、What should we do to prevent it?


141、First,…. Second,…. Third,…. Finally,….

首先,…… 第二,…… 第三,…… 最后,……

142、— Must we do exercise to prevent the flu?

— Yes,We must. / No, we needn’t. / No, we don’t have to.

143、— Extension 6226, please. 请转分机6226。

— Just a moment, please. 请稍等。

144、— Could I speak to Dr. Li Yuping? 我可以和李玉平医生通电话吗?

— I’m afraid he is busy right now. 恐怕他现在很忙。

[ 这里的right now不是“立刻,马上”之意,而是“就在此刻”的意思,right是加强语气,修饰now]

145、I’d like to speak to Dr. Li Yuping. 我想和李玉平医生通电话。

[ would like to do sth. 想要做某事]

146、Please tell my father not to forget the talk tomorrow afternoon.


①tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事

②tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事

147、I’ll give him the message.我会告诉他的。

148、If yes, When can he get it? 如果行,他什么时候可以取走它(自行车)?

相当于:If it’s OK, when can he have it?

149、You need to have healthy eating habits. 你需要养成健康的饮食习惯。

[need to do sth. 需要做某事。]

区别:①need doing sth. 主语一般是物 ②need to do sth.主语一般是人

150、Eat the right food to keep you healthy. 合理饮食来使你保持健康。

151、It’s necessary to learn about first aid.


[ it是形式主语,真正的主语是to learn about first aid ]

152、Happiness is important for your health. 快乐对你的健康很重要。

153、Be happy to be healthy. 想健康就得快乐。

[ to be healthy是目的状语,说明保持快乐的目的。]

154、Many students think it’s cool to smoke and drink.



155、You should say no to smoking and drinking. 你应该对烟酒说不。

[①say no to… 对……说不 ②to是介词,所以本句中smoke和drink要变成动名词smoking,drinking,才能做介词to的宾语。]

156、Now I know how important happiness is.现在我知道快乐有多重要。

[划线部分是宾语从句,它本来是一个疑问句(How important is happiness?快乐有多重要?),但同学们要注意,作宾语从句要用陈述句的语序(即“主语+谓语”的语序),当然疑问词要放在前面,所以变成how important happiness is 。注意黑体字is位置的变化 ]

157、We learnt a lot from SARS. 我们从非典(这事件)中学到了很多。

We should learn from Leifeng.我们必须向雷锋学习。

①learn sth. from sb./sth. 从某人身上/某事上学到……

② learn from sb.向某人学习

158、We can ask my father more about it. 我们可以向我爸了解更多的情况。

[ ask sb. about sth. 问某人关于某事]

159、There are lots of ways to keep fit.保持身体健康有很多方式。

[ 本句中的动词不定式短语 to keep fit作后置定语,修饰ways ]

160、It’s my duty to save patients. 挽救病人是我的职责。

[句中it是形式主语,动词不定式短语to save patients是真正的主语]

161、What’s the name of the serious disease? 那种重病的名字是什么?

162、We don’t have to be afraid of catching the flu.我们不必害怕患流感。

[ ①have to+动词原形,意为“必须做某事,不得不做某事”

②don’t have to +动词原形,意为“不必做某事”]

163、Health is important to everyone.健康对每个一人来说都是重要的。



常用“be going to+动词原形”和“助动词will+动词原形”来表示。③但这两种句型用法上有点区别:be going to句型是事先经过考虑,而will的句型不一定事先经过考虑,它只说明将来要发生某事或存在某状态。④所以如果不是事先经过考虑的就不能用be going to句型。⑤但有一种特殊情况:根据一定迹象判断将要发生某事也可以用be going to句型,如Look at those clouds! It’s going to rain. ⑥be going to 句型中含有动词be,句型转换和以前相同。

will+动词原形:无论主语是什么,都可以用will,当主语是第一人称时,可以用shall. 在以第一人称I/we作主语的疑问句中一般用shall, 用来表示征求对方意见或询问某情况。

注意:英语中,表示位置移动的动词 go, come, leave, fly, start, arrive等等,可以用现在进行时表示将来。

句式:①一般疑问句:Will…? ②特殊疑问句:疑问词+will…? ③否定式:在助动词will后面加not,可缩写为won’t。



2、碰到动词要先看句中有没有特殊的单词的用法或句型,如be going to和情态动词要加动词原形,介词后面的动词要加ing变成动名词, help sb. do sth.,spend…(in)doing sth.等等。。如果没有,就看看要用哪一种时态。


形容词+名词,(连)系动词+形容词 [后面能加形容词的就是系动词]



八上英语知识点总结 扩展


由连接代词 who, whom, whose, what, which 等引导,不能省略。例如: Do you know who he is?


由连接副词 how, where, when, why 引导, 也不可省略。例如: I don't know where I can buy this kind of camera.


宾语从句用陈述句语序,即:连接词 + 主语
